Saturday, June 13, 2020

What Is The Difference Between Different and Difference?

Different is an adjective.

Example of sentences:

1) He looks different due to his new hairstyle.

2) The scenery is different in the winter.

3) Everything looks different now.


Difference is a noun.

Example of sentences:

1) The difference between you and him is how handsome he is.

2) Settle your differences and work together again.

3) What makes the difference is our unity.

Monday, June 8, 2020

Formal Letter: Letter of Complaint

Example of question:

Recently you purchased a pair of shoes from an online shoes’ store. However, the store sent you the wrong size and one shoe has a hole on it. Write a letter of complaint to the store. Use the notes to help you write.

- wrong size

- hole in one shoe


When writing out your letter:

- you may use the notes given.

- state one other complaint about the shoes

- add any other relevant information

- write in not less than 150 words.


Example of answer:


Ananda Krishnan,

No. 4, Jalan Singa,

00000 Petaling Jaya,

Selangor Darul Ehsan,


All Sport Shoes,

1-2-3 Kompleks Perniagaan Jati,

00000 Selayang,

Kuala Lumpur.


01 JUNE 2020

Dear Sir/ Madam/Miss,

Complaint About the Condition of Purchased Shoes.

I, as name stated above, would like to complain about a pair of shoes that I recently bought on 28th May 2002 from your online store.

On the mentioned date, I ordered a pair of a sport shoes in size 8. Regrettably, I received a pair of shoes in size 6. The shoes didn’t fit me at all.


In addition to that, I noticed one of the shoes has a hole on it. Whether the hole is fixable or not, I don’t think I could accept this mistake.


The shoes were at the price of RM450, which is quite expensive for me. To receive this kind of service from your store is disappointing, especially when I look up to your reputation.


I hope to receive a fast reply from you in regard of these matters. I also attached a copy of my receipt and pictures of the shoes for your reference.


Thank you.






Practise or Practice?

Practise is a verb use to describe the act of doing something regularly or repeatedly.

Example of sentences:

1) Practise the skills to make them perfect.

2) Teach the workers the correct practise of working.


Practice is a noun use to describe the act of doing it for real, regularly repeated exercise or something common.

Example of sentences:

1) It is time for us to test the marketing idea in practice.

2) As my usual practice, I take a break during work for five minutes to help me concentrate more.


However, 'practice' is use for both in English (United States).

Saturday, June 6, 2020

House or Home?

Normally, house is to refer to a building.


For example:

1) My house is a single story with four rooms.

2) There are two houses at the end of the street.

3) My house is made of concrete.


Home is more personal and emotional. It is not necessarily a building.


For example:

1) I feel the safest when I am at my home.

2) I left home to work at a town.

What Is The Difference Between Different and Difference?

Different is an adjective. Example of sentences: 1) He looks different due to his new hairstyle. 2) The scenery is different in the wi...